Perfecting Point of Sale Transactions
As part of a complete, all-in-one jewelry management solution, Zeroshrink’s RFID software allows jewelers to customize their unique inventory according to their individualized needs. Items can be assigned attributes that can be as specific or as general as the retailer chooses—ranging from an item’s specific location, size and style to it’s purchase date, color and image. The software seamless integrates with the store’s POS system recognizing transactions such as sale, receipt, commission, decommission and applies that information to adjust its inventory count. Zeroshrink’s software is also able to integrate with the store’s pre-existing management and monitoring systems enhancing the level of security overall.
Web-based Security & Simplicity

The in-store software communicates with a central server and data warehouse provided as a web-based hosted service. Data is encrypted and transferred securely using (SSL), the same standard used for online banking and other sensitive transactions.
Advantages of our hosted service approach over stand-alone, in-store systems include:
• Authorized users can log into the central system using a web browser to securely access their inventory records, analyze trends and manage their store remotely.
• No backroom server to set up. Solution can be up and running in a matter of hours rather than days or weeks.
• Scalability for one store or an entire chain. Consolidation reports reconcile inventory and identify discrepancies across all locations immediately.
• Solution runs on Mac, Windows and Linux and is compatible with standards-based RFID hardware. Integrates with existing POS systems.